Tuesday 11 July 2017
Professor Louise Kenny wins Guaranteed Irish Science Hero award
Professor Louise Kenny, Director of INFANT, has just been named as the Guaranteed Irish Science Hero for 2017. Prof Kenny was selected for the award following a public nomination process and received the award at the INFANT Research Centre, a world-leading Science Foundation Ireland research centre in University College Cork and Cork University Maternity Hospital, Cork City.
CEO of Guaranteed Irish, Brid O’Connell said: “Professor Kenny is a true ambassador for Ireland so it is with great pleasure that we name her as the very first Guaranteed Irish Science Hero today. Whilst we received hundreds of very strong nominations from the public, Professor Kenny had by far the strongest support and was the clear winner of the Guaranteed Irish Science Hero Award for 2017.”
“Professor Kenny’s research group has pioneered the use of metabolomic technology, helping to reduce infant and mother fatalities. It is because of this commitment to pregnancy research and in developing innovative technologies to improve the treatment and care available to mothers and babies that she has been awarded this accolade. I would like to wish Professor Kenny and all her team at INFANT the very best for their continued research in this area!”

Perinatal and Neonatal Research Growing in Ireland
On receiving the Guaranteed Irish Hero Award for Science, Director of INFANT research center, Professor Louise Kenny, today said: “I am thrilled and honoured to be the named as the Guaranteed Irish Science Hero for 2017. As perinatal and neonatal research continues to grow in Ireland, it is terrific that it is being recognised in this way.
“I am passionate about the importance of our work in INFANT- but our efforts are reflective of a wonderful team- and I’d like to accept this award on behalf of them. Everyone in my team is a hero in my eyes”, continued Professor Kenny.
Professor Kenny is the third of six Guaranteed Irish Heroes to be awarded, with artist Maser and Women’s Rugby Captain, Niamh Briggs named as Guaranteed Irish Heroes for art and sport, respectively. The remaining three Heroes will be awarded across music, technology and food later this year.
About Guaranteed Irish
- Guaranteed Irish (GI) is a business membership organisation that promotes businesses that provide goods and services originating from Ireland, with a long-term commitment to jobs and the community in which they are based.
- Follow Guaranteed Irish on Twitter: @GuaranteedIrl , Instagram: @guaranteed_irish and on Facebook at: www.facebook.com/GuaranteedIrishOfficial. The official campaign hashtag is: #GIhero