Monthly Archives: September 2018

INFANT Welcomes New PI, Prof Rhodri Cusack

By |2020-11-22T12:50:08+00:00September 24th, 2018|

Monday 24 September 2018   Rhodri Cusack is the Thomas Mitchell Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience in Trinity College Dublin, and a world-renowned expert in his field. Prof Geraldine Boylan, Director of the INFANT Centre noted that “The appointment of Prof Cusack as an INFANT PI is very exciting, it expands the impact INFANT will have, and [...]

INFANT Research Honoured With Collector’s Stamp from AnPost

By |2020-11-22T12:50:24+00:00September 5th, 2018|

Wednesday 05 September 2018 An Post unveiled four €1 stamps on Wed 5 September titled "Irish Scientific Discoveries" at the international Schrodinger at 75 Conference in the National Concert Hall. The series of stamps highlight recent scientific discoveries made by scientists who work in pioneering research and development in Ireland. The science-based stamps represent new areas of research, [...]