Monthly Archives: April 2020

Thank you from INFANT

By |2020-11-22T12:30:35+00:00April 22nd, 2020|

Wednesday 22 April 2020 We are incredibly grateful for the donations we have received over the past few weeks in response to the virtual visitation technology we have implemented in Cork Univerity Maternity Hospital Neonatal Unit. Because of you, we were able to deploy the technology to regional hospitals in the area too! If you [...]

What INFANT is doing in response to COVID-19

By |2020-11-22T12:29:52+00:00April 22nd, 2020|

Thursday 23 April 2020 COVID-19 is the most significant public health crisis in 100 years. Its impact will be felt for decades and it is already changing in unprecedented ways how we live, work and carry out our lives. INFANT, as a Maternal and Child Health Research Centre, is particularly conscious of the impact of [...]

New guidance on COVID-19 and maternity care issued

By |2020-11-22T12:30:53+00:00April 5th, 2020|

Sunday 05 April 2020 The Institute of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists has issued new guidance on COVID-19 and maternity services. The guidance was written by INFANT Centre Principal Investigator Dr Keelin O’Donoghue and Joye McKernan, National Perinatal Epidemiology Centre. COVID-19 infection is a new disease and the impact on pregnancy remains uncertain. Aims of the guidance document: • [...]

INFANT PI chats to BBC World News

By |2020-11-22T12:31:20+00:00April 4th, 2020|

Saturday 04 April 2020 We have collaborated with our colleagues in Cork University Maternity Hospital to provide virtual visiting for babies in the hospital's neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). The new initiative allows families to remotely check-in on their baby amid COVID-19 visiting restrictions. The support for this initiative has been wonderful and we are delighted [...]

INFANT Centre providing virtual visitation for families

By |2020-11-22T12:31:34+00:00April 2nd, 2020|

Thursday 02 April 2020 The INFANT Research Centre at University College Cork in collaboration with Cork University Maternity Hospital, Ireland South Women & Infants Directorate have introduced a secure video messaging platform called vCreate in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Under normal circumstances, having a baby in the neonatal unit can be a time of significant emotional [...]