
About Gabriele Gudauskyte

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So far Gabriele Gudauskyte has created 142 blog entries.

TY Programme 2017

By |2020-11-22T13:07:11+00:00September 30th, 2016|

Friday 30 September 2016 If you would like to apply for the TY Programme, download the form below and send it in. Downloads TY Application Form

ISA Cork 2017

By |2020-11-22T13:09:13+00:00September 29th, 2016|

Thursday 29 September 2016 The 2017 International Stillbirth Alliance Conference will take place at University College Cork from Friday 22nd September – Sunday 24th September 2017.   Save the Date!

Mild oxygen deficits to the brain shown to impact long term IQ and rate of disability

By |2020-11-22T13:09:27+00:00September 26th, 2016|

Monday 26 September 2016 Each year in Ireland, roughly 180 children develop clinical signs of brain dysfunction, or HIE A new HRB-funded study, shows that a mild blood or oxygen deficit at birth, which leads to a condition called Hypoxic Ischaematic Encephalopathy (HIE) can result in children having lower IQ than their peers at the [...]

INFANT Research Day 2016

By |2020-11-22T13:09:40+00:00September 7th, 2016|

Wednesday 07 September 2016 We will host our annual research day on 9 September 2016 at the Western Gateway Building. Registration is FREE through Eventbrite: please register HERE Programme The INFANT Centre will host its annual research day on 9 September 2016 at the Western Gateway Building. 6 CPD Points are Available  Registration is FREE through Eventbrite: please register HERE [...]

HSE National Standards for Bereavement Care

By |2020-11-22T13:09:53+00:00August 10th, 2016|

Wednesday 10 August 2016 The Minister for Health, Mr Simon Harris, today launched the HSE National Standards for Bereavement Care following Pregnancy Loss and Perinatal Death. These new standards clearly define the care parents and families can expect to receive following a pregnancy loss or perinatal death. The standards will be implemented and applied across [...]

INFANT Appoints Head of Business and Head of Operations

By |2020-11-22T13:10:16+00:00July 26th, 2016|

Tuesday 26 July 2016 The Directors and Executive Management Team of the INFANT Centre are delighted to announce that Christian Stafford and Josephine Studham will join the INFANT Centre in two new roles: as Head of Business Development and Head of Operations, respectively. Christian and Jo’s addition to the team is an exciting time of [...]


By |2020-11-22T13:10:28+00:00July 12th, 2016|

Tuesday 12 July 2016 Our BabyLink project is working to improve outcomes for newborn babies in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Seizures or fits in newborn babies are classed as a medical emergency and require urgent treatment. However, they are impossible to detect without continuous brain monitoring using EEG. Specialist expertise is required for EEG [...]

Infant Welcomes Two Principal Investigators

By |2020-11-22T13:10:59+00:00June 2nd, 2016|

Thursday 02 June 2016 The directors and Executive Management Team are delighted to announce Dr Keelin O’Donoghue and Prof Jonathan Hourihane will join the INFANT Centre as Principal Investigators. Dr O’Donoghue and Prof Hourihane’s addition to the PI team is a very exciting time for INFANT. Prof Louise Kenny noted, “both Keelin and Jonathan bring a wealth of experience [...]

INFANT Research on MedScape Paediatrics

By |2020-11-22T13:11:15+00:00March 16th, 2016|

Wednesday 16 March 2016 The research found that children as young as one regularly use touchscreen devices, with most toddlers handling them competently by the age of two. Instead of being unhealthy for a child, time on touchscreen devices is not dissimilar to traditional forms of interactive play. The study found that 82 per cent [...]

Ending Preventable Stillbirths

By |2020-11-22T13:11:32+00:00January 19th, 2016|

Tuesday 19 January 2016 Researchers and Clinicians from University College Cork (UCC) have contributed to the Lancet Stillbirth Series: Ending Preventable Stillbirths, launched globally on 19 January 2016 and published in the prestigious medical journal.  This series builds on the original Lancet Stillbirths Series published in 2011, reviews where international progress has and has not been made, and shows [...]