Dr Fiona McDonald

Lead Investigator
Contact Details:
The theme of Fiona’s research is understanding mechanism of early life stress, such as unstable patterns of oxygenation, on cardiorespiratory and motor function using pre-clinical animal models. Fiona has a keen interest in exploring sex-specific vulnerabilities during development. Her work seeks to identify novel preventative strategies for preterm infants to improve their long-term functional outcomes and their quality of life.
Career Profile:
· 2018-Present: Lecturer in Physiology, Department of Physiology, University College Cork, Ireland
· 2017-2018: Senior Post-Doctoral Fellow, University College Cork, Ireland
· 2016-2017: Research Associate, University of Bristol, UK
· 2014-2015: Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Hotchkiss Brain Institute, University of Calgary, Canada
Education Profile:
· 2020-2021: Postgraduate Certificate in Teaching and Learning
· 2009-2014: PhD Translational Medicine, University College Dublin
· 2004-2008: BSc Physiology & Pharmacology, University College Dublin