Jacopo Proietti

PhD Student
Jacopo is a Child Neuropsychiatrist trained in pediatric neurological disorders, with particular interest in electrophysiological evaluation of epilepsy with onset in childhood and adolescence. In the last two years he shifted his attention to neonatal neurology.
His PhD is focusing on: Simultaneous multichannel EEG and median nerve SEPs recording during the earliest hours after birth in infants with Neonatal Hypoxic Ischaemic Encephalopathy.
This is a collaborative project between INFANT and University of Verona (Italy).
Education and Career:
2020-present: joint-PhD student | INFANT Research Centre, University College Cork – Child Neuropsychiatry Unit, University of Verona
2020-2022: Clinical activity as Specialist Child Neuropsychiatrist, Verona University Hospital
2020: Clinical Research Fellow | INFANT Research Centre, University College Cork
2016-2020: Child Neuropsychiatry Specialization | Child Neuropsychiatry Unit, Verona University Hospital
2016: Medical Licence | University of Perugia
2016: Degree in Medicine and Surgery | University of Perugi