The CATePILLaR Study is evaluating the impact of COVID-19 restrictions on mother & baby’s health and wellbeing
What is CATePILLaR?
COVID-19 eRa Infant Cohort Study on the impact of COVID restrictions on maternal and infant health and wellbeing.
During the COVID-19 pandemic in Ireland there have been limitations on antenatal and postnatal hospital visits, community follow-up, restrictions imposed on visitors in hospitals and isolation of family supports for new mothers. This is likely to have had a significant impact on parents’ preparedness for the antenatal period, labour and delivery as well as post-natal maternal and infant care on return home after a brief hospital stay.
The aim of this project is to assess the impact of COVID-19 and its’ associated restrictions during pregnancy and infancy on maternal and infant health and wellbeing.

Principal Investigator: Prof Eugene Dempsey
Co-Investigators: Prof Deirdre Murray, Prof Mairead Kiely, Dr Keelin O’Donoghue, Dr Catherine Stanton, Prof Paul Ross, Prof Geraldine Boylan.
If you are pregnant or are a parent to a full-term newborn and would like to participate, please contact the Research Team on 087-9607875.