Ruaraí Goodfellow

PhD Student
Contact Details:
Ruaraí is a PhD student in Applied Mathematics.
He is working on the “Model Based Decision Support for Newborn Brain Protection” proposal under the supervision of Prof. Sebastian Wieczorek and Dr. Andrew Keane. The PhD involves developing a model of the Neonatal Brain, based on electroencephalogram (EEG), to allow for the identification of critical factors for the onset of seizures.
Career Profile:
· 2022 – Present: PhD student, Department of Mathematics, University College Cork and INFANT Centre
· 2018 – 2022: BSc (J. Hons.) Applied Mathematics and Physics, University College Cork
· 2022: Achieved a mark of 84.5% for a Final Year Thesis entitled “Critical-Rate Hypothesis: Can a species keep pace with a shifting climate?”
· 2019-2022: Michael P. Mortell Scholarship based on 1st to 3rd year results, Department of Mathematics, University College Cork
· 2019: John A. Delaney Memorial Prize based on 1st year results, Department of Physics, University College Cork
· 2018: Quercus Entrance Scholarship based on Leaving Certificate Results, University College Cork