Dr. Louise Gibson

Associate Investigator
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Louise is a paediatrician at Cork University Hospital.
Louise Gibson graduated from UCC in 1993, and training posts included Our Lady’s Hospital for Sick Children, Crumlin, Dublin, the Royal Children’s Hospital in Melbourne and the King Edward Memorial Hospital/Princess Margaret Hospital in Perth. She completed her CCST in 2003 and following this completed an MSc in Community Child Health at Warwick University while working in a research post at Enable Ireland, Cork.
She has worked as a Consultant Community Paediatrician at the Mercy Hospital in Cork since 2006 and completed her Medical Doctorate in University College Cork in 2010. She commenced in the role of Senior Lecturer/Consultant Community Paediatrician at Cork University Hospital in May 2010.
Dr. Gibson is a member of the British Association of Community Paediatricians (BACCH), British Association of Childhood Disability (BACD) and the Association of Research in Infant and Child Development (ARICD). She is a reviewer for Child Care Health and Development (journal of BACCH) and will shortly complete training as a Griffith’s Mental Development scales tutor.