Michelle Dorgan

Communications and Public Engagement Manager
Contact Details:
Michelle is the Communications and Public Engagement Manager at INFANT. She looks after all the communications for INFANT, from the social media, website, PR while also supporting colleagues with various comms activities and also coordinates public engagement initiatives and events.
She graduated from MTU with a BSc in Recreation and Leisure and Business Management in 2014 and an MSc in Marketing Practice in 2016. For her Masters, she received a funded scholarship to complete the Masters and work part-time in the MTU Enterprise and Innovation office. She joined UCC in 2019 as the Programme Manager for IGNITE, UCC, which included managing the marketing and communications, events and the suite of programme supports.
Career Profile:
- 2023- present Communications and Public Engagement Manager, INFANT
- 2019-2023 Programme Manager, IGNITE UCC
- 2016-2019 Assistant Sales and Marketing Manager, Rochestown Park Hotel
Education Profile:
- 2014-2016 MSc Marketing Practice
- 2010-2014 BSc in Recreation and Leisure and Business Management