Kaiyu Yu

PhD Student
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Kaiyu is a PhD researcher at INFANT. His research aims to detect neonatal brain injury based on coupling between key physiological signals, and to develop AI tools to monitor the conditions of the neonatal brain. His current work is about the assessment of how the coupling between EEG and regional cerebral oxygen saturation (measured by Near Infrared Spectroscopy) relates to the severity of Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy (HIE) in full-term neonates, using signal processing and time-frequency analysis methods, and the development of an AI tool to predict the severity of the neonatal HIE. The next step in his work will focus on the detection of brain injury on premature neonates, and the comparison of the coupling strength between physiological signals in full-term and preterm neonates.
This research could help clinicians to monitor the health conditions of the neonatal brain and make more informed treatment decisions before serious issues may arise.
Career Profile
2021 – present PhD of Engineering in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University College Cork
2018 – 2020 Master of Engineering in Biomedical Engineering, Dalian University of Technology
2014 – 2018 Bachelor of Engineering in Automation, HuaZhong Agricultural University