Prof. Frederic Adam – Principal Investigator

Professor of Management Information Systems & Principal Investigator
Fred is a Principal Investigator in the INFANT Centre, the Head of the Graduate School in the College of Business & Law and a Principal Investigator in the Financial Services Innovation Centre.
Fred’s research interests have evolved since 1992 when my research career began, but they have always revolved around the following domains:
- Decision making and decision support, including DSS
- Enterprise Wide Systems, in particular ERP
- Research Methods in Information Systems
Lately, his research has moved towards new areas:
- Mobile computing, especially as it relates to mobile and real time decision support
- Health Information Systems and the impact of ICT on the delivery of healthcare
In the INFANT SFI research centre, Fred specialises in connected health and was just awarded over €1 million of funding from SFI for the Leanbh project to develop Home Based Blood Pressure Monitoring in Pregnancy solution – with Prof Louise Kenny and Dr Simon Woodworth.
Career Profile & Professional Activities/Achievements:
- Graduated from Institut Supérieur du Commerce de Paris in Audit and Cost Control in 1989
- Management Accountant in a French SME in the Food industry (1989-1990)
- Graduated with a research Masters of Business Studies in Management Information Systems at University College Cork in 1992
- Researcher in the Executive Systems Research Centre (ESRC) at University College Cork in 1992/1993.
- From 1993, College Lecturer in the Department of Accounting, Finance and Information Systems.
- Director of the MBS in Management Information and Managerial Accounting Systems (1998 – 2003) .
- Awarded dual PhD by National University of Ireland and Université Paris 6 (Jussieu, Paris, France ) in 1999. Supervised by Prof. Jean-Charles Pomerol (Université Paris 6) and Prof. Ciaran Murphy (UCC)
- Appointed as Statutory Lecturer in Business Information Systems in October 2000.
- Editor in Chief of the Journal of Decision Systems (Taylor and Francis) from 2003
- Vice-Chair of the IFIP working group 8.3 on Decision Support Systems 2004-2011
- Director of the MBS Information Systems for Business Performance 2005-2010.
- Visiting Research Fellow at the Institute of Social Psychology (London School of Economics, London , UK) 2005-2008
- Promoted to Associate Professor in October 2007
- Visiting research Fellow at the School of Economics and Management, Lund University, Sweden in November 2008 (2009-2011).
- Awarded diplome d’Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches (HDR) in December 2008 from Laboratoire d’Informatique de Paris 6, Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris 6), France (Adviser: Prof. Patrick Brezillon).
- Awarded IFIP Outstanding Service Award 2010 by the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) – Technical Committee 8 (Information Systems)
- Elected Chair of the IFIP working group 8.3 on Decision Support Systems in 2011.
- Director of the MBS in Innovation in European Business – a collaboration with ISC, Paris and HU Utrecht Business School, since its creation in 2011
- Appointed as Head of the Graduate School of the College of Business and Law, UCC in January 2011.
- Elected to UCC’s Governing Body in November 2011 and re-elected in 2014 (2015-2018)
- Chair of the Governing Body Committee on Staff, UCC (2011-2014)
- Finance Committee member, UCC (from 2015)
- Principal Investigator – SFI INFANT Research Centre (UCC)
- Executive Management Team INFANT research centre since 2016