Prof. Jonathan Hourihane – Principal Investigator

Principal Investigator
Jonathan’s research interests focus on the exploration of the link between skin barrier dysfunction and systemic allergic disorders, threshold doses of food allergens, immunomodulation of established allergic responses, prevention of allergic sensitisation and evaluation of quality of life in food allergic children.
Career Profile:
2005 to date: Professor of Paediatrics and Child Health, University College, Cork, Ireland. Consultant Paediatrician, Cork University Hospital, HSE-South, Ireland.
2001-2005 Senior Lecturer, Infection Inflammation and Repair, University of Southampton.
1997-2000 Lecturer, Institute of Child Health, Great Ormond Street Hospital , London 1997-2001
Professional Activities/Achievements:
MB BCh BAO 1987 Dublin University, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland (1st place),
MRCPI 1991,
MD Southampton, UK, 1996.
FRCPCH 2004,
FRCPI 2008, FAAAAI 2011.
Clinical Excellence Award 2004 (UK).
Taoiseach’s Public Service Excellence Award: Project entitled “Informing Families of their Child’s Disability” (2010).
Member Academic Advisory Working Group, National Childrens Hospital Development Board 2015.
Dolphin Group Member, National Children’s Hospital Review Board 2012.
Member, National Paediatric Advisory Group 2012-2015.
Assistant Director, Wellcome Trust, CRF Southampton 20012-2005.
Co-principle investigator BASELINE birth cohort study, Cork, 2008-present.
Board Member Molecular Medicine Ireland 2010-12.
Founding Secretary of the Irish Association of Allergy and Immunology 2011-2014.
Founding Chairman, Irish Food Allergy Network, 2011-present.