Andrew Flynn

Postdoctoral Researcher
Contact Details:
Dr. Andrew Flynn is a Postdoctoral Researcher at INFANT and the School of Mathematical Sciences. Andrew is working in collaboration with Prof. Liam Marnane and Prof. Sebastian Wieczorek on the ‘Nonlinear Dynamics and Critical Transitions in the Neonatal Brain’ project where the aim is to apply and develop new mathematical techniques to advance the current state of the art in seizure prediction and classification from EEG data while also using this data to construct new data-driven models of seizure dynamics. His main areas of expertise are in nonlinear dynamics and machine learning, and his main research area is in reservoir computing.
Career profile:
2023-present: Postdoctoral Researcher, role as described above.
2018-2023: PhD student in Applied Mathematics at the School of Mathematical Sciences in UCC, supervised by Dr. Andreas Amann (UCC) and Dr. Vassilios Tsachouridis (Collins Aerospace), and funded by the Irish Research Council and Collins Aerospace. Awarded PhD for thesis titled `Theory and Applications of Multifunctional Reservoir Computers’. Major contribution of this thesis is the theory and demonstration of how to train an artificial neural network, in the form of a reservoir computer, to perform multiple tasks using the same set of trained weights by exploiting a form of multistability, thereby mimicking the operational features of multifunctional networks in the brains of humans and other living creatures. Multifunctional Reservoir Computers have many applications and in this thesis these concepts were used to develop data-driven models of seizure dynamics from EEG recordings of epileptic rodent brains.
2021: Intern for 6 months in the Autonomous System group at Collins Aerospace – Applied Research & Technology, Cork. Andrew worked on the VALU3S EU funded project where he focused on the application of reservoir computers for the purposes of controlling nonlinear systems and also the development of formal verification techniques for the use of artificial neural networks in industrial applications.
2013-2017: BSc student in Physics and Applied Mathematics in UCC.
Best Speaker – Irish SIAM Student Chapter Conference 2022 – awarded by Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
SEFS Postgraduate Publication of the Year 2021 – awarded by UCC
Google Scholar profile: