Colette Lynch

Clinical Specialist Physiotherapist
Contact Details:
Research Physiotherapist in the INFANT study of “Early detection and intervention for cerebral palsy in Ireland”. The main aim of this study is to reduce the age of diagnosis of cerebral palsy in high-risk children. Colette is involved in assessing children while in the neonatal unit and in high risk out-patient clinics using specific clinical exams that have been shown to be more accurate in predicting CP. This is a multicentre study in conjunction with the Cerebral Palsy Foundation.
Colette has been been working in paediatrics for more than 20 years and has specialised in the area of neurodevelopmental follow of high-risk babies.
Career Profile
- 2023- Present – INFANT – Research Physiotherapist
- 2011 – Present – Senior Physiotherapist in neonatology / paediatrics, CUMH / CUH
- 2003 -2011 – Senior Physiotherapist in paediatrics, University Hospital Lewisham NHS Trust
- 1997 – 2003 – Senior Physiotherapist in paediatrics, CUH
- 1995 – 1997 – Physiotherapist in CHI, Crumlin